Tuesday 19 March 2013

Eternity Spa Sale

I have had a few facials in my time, and have enjoyed all but one (the less said, the better!) but my recent experience at Harmony Balm in Sale was a real corker. 
Karen, the Spa owner, was my therapist for the Eternity Spa Facial I'd booked - and she's truly lovely.  As you'd expect, we started with a discussion about my skin issues (age related!), skin type and personal preferences.  My skin is dry and sensitive, and I've had a bad reaction in the past to allegedly 'sensitive skin products' (see above), but Karen assured me that the Spieza products she works with are all natural and organic and have never caused a flare up yet.
In fact, Karen has built her entire business around the use of organic products, which includes her manicures and pedicures, as well as all her face and body treatments.
It's actually quite hard to describe the full facial - Karen tends to follow her instincts and includes head, neck and shoulder massage, pressure point massage, hot shells and lots and lots of the most fabulously fragrant oils and creams you can imagine.  I drifted away in a sea of hedonism, filled with bliss and sunny thoughts (while outside the wind howled and rain fell) and woke to the realisation that my skin felt dewey soft and plumped up.  One look in the mirror was enough to make me wonder if Karen has some sort of time machine in her Spa, as I was positively glowing!
Regular facials have never been on my list of possibles, they fall firmly into the 'rare treat' category and as such I need to be sure that they are going to have a long lasting effect, not simply make me feel good for an hour or so before my skin reverts to its normal state.  I can happily say that I was still stroking my face with glee several days later - and booked myself back in for another valued treat as soon as I could!

I give Karen and Eternity Spa a big fat tick - this is just the sort of personalised, genuinely caring treatment we ladies of Cheshire deserve.  Get yourselves thither!

Eternity Wellness Centre | 266 Washway Rd | Sale | M33 4RZ | 01619692040 @HarmonyBalm

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